Friday, December 31, 2010

London, Stafford (& bonus stop at Zurich)

I celebrated my Christmas holiday this year with my family in London and Stafford. We were all really excited about this trip because it has been a while since the whole family went on a holiday together.

We were supposed to arrive at London on the 19 Dec, but just a couple of hours before landing at Heathrow Airport, we were advised that the airport was closed due to the heavy snow fall. We had to turn back and stop at Zurich instead until conditions improved in Heathrow.

So we were stranded at Zurich for 3 days and did not arrived in London until the 21 Dec. I guess we were lucky compared to those who had to sleep on the cold airport floor. Strange as it sounds, but I was actually quite happy to be stranded in Switzerland which felt like a bonus stopover. The only inconvenience was that we  couldn't get our luggage back and we had to wear the same thing and lived on whatever that were in our hand luggage for 3 days.

Anyway our accommodation and food during the 3 days while waiting for news from Heathrow Airport were taken care of by Singapore Air. We stayed at Movenpick Hotel at Egerkingen, which is a nice and comfortable hotel, but located in the middle of nowhere- an hour drive from Zurich Airport and an hour drive from Zurich city center. Because we were on standby, waiting for the green light from Heathrow, we were not able to do much but to eat, sleep and wait.

After several days of waiting, Singapore Air decided to fly us to Manchester instead and then arranged buses to take us from Manchester to Heathrow airport. However after we checked into Zurich airport, we were told that Heathrow airport was able to schedule a slot for us. So we were able to fly direct to Heathrow afterall.

You would think that with all the chaos caused by the snow that we would experience (or in my case, rewarded with) plenty of snowing while we were in London and Stafford. Ironically, it snowed only once, two days before Christmas, and only for a couple of hours. Of course, I was feeling bitterly disappointed that it did not snow everyday. Oh well, at least we get to experience a truly white and magical Christmas before the snow has all but melted after Boxing Day.

The lovely Movenpick Hotel at Egerkingen Zurich, where we spent several days in while waiting for news from Heathrow.

My sweet sister #3.

Check-in was painfully slow, as the lady behind the counter has to write each and every single air ticket... the old fasion way!

Arrived in London. Finally! This is my sister #4 trying to suffocate herself with her "baby" pillow in our Hilton Metropo hotel room in London. Don't ask me why. Haha..

View from our hotel room. Note the snow on the buildings roofs.

Arrived in my Auntie's place the next day. The backyard.


A rather charming market, not too far from my Auntie's place in Stafford. It was the only day that snowed during the whole time we were in UK.

My ultra cute sister #4. I really like this photo. It seems to capture that "Christmas magic".

My auntie's friend has a horse. We went to the stable to feed the horses.

My mum and dad.

My sister #2.

Christmas Day. Me scrapping ice off the windscreen.

My sister #4 scrapping ice off the side window.

Street outside my Auntie's house.

Boxing day. A walk at The Chase.

Back in London, and our second last day in UK. All the snow has melted. It was a very foggy day.

There is something about this photo that I thought gave me that "DeJa Vu" feeling. Until I realised that I took a similar photo at the exact same spot when I was at London in May.